How to use:

This page does a check every 1 minute and resets hourly.
Results appear automatically.

Pings is the number of POSITIVE pings (a ping is net vol increase of greater than 0.3% or 10btc)
Net Vol BTC is the net volume since last reset, the sum of recent total vol btc (hourly; Ex: 50btc of buys and 20 btc of sells is 30btc of net vol)
Net Vol % is the net volume increase since the last reset, aka the sum of recent vol % over the past hour
Recent Total Vol BTC is the total volume in btc during the last ping interval (every 1 min)
Recent Vol % is the volume increase in % in the last ping interval, compared vs the total 24h volume (every 1 min; total volume, not net)
Recent Net Volis the net volume increase in btc in the last ping interval (every 1 min; Ex: 50btc of buys and 20 btc of sells is 30btc of net vol)

A Yellow name is a warning: at 3 pings
Red name is an alert: every 5 pings or more
Here is a short video from me with some explanation:
Here is a one hour video from someone using it, more in depth:
This tool is best to use on days when the alt market is bullish, in combination with your own charting knowledge

A tip:

Watch coins for warnings, and then see if the volume is increasing. Net vol of 5% can be the start of a pump, up to 20~30%<
Net volume is all the buys against the sells, indicating which way the market pressure is (+ is buys, - is sells)

A note:

This tool is best used in some kind of alt season/volatility. I have made many gains from it, and if you put a lot of time into using it and learning it you can generate your own profit.
Follow me on twitter for trading calls and advice! @cryptozyzz
Message me on twitter if you have some advice for UI improvements or other features

If you made some serious profits from this, feel free to donate to me!

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